
The tawaf of women

The tawaf of women as well as their sa'y is done by walking. For umrah packages  Umrah Tour packages .  As regards the rituals of the Hajj which the woman in menstrual period must accomplish and those which she cannot accomplish until she has cleansed herself, let us remember that she is authorized to perform all the rites of Hajj:  ihram , Parking at 'Arafat, night stay in Mozdalifa, jet of djamarâts ,  except  tawâf  around the  Ka`ba , she must first cleanse her menses before starting it. This was confirmed by the Prophet, Salla Allahu `Alaihi wa Sallam, in 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her in her hadith:  "Do what the pilgrim does, save the tawaf around the Ka`ba, carry it back until you do the ghusl to purify you after the end of your menses" (Bukhari and Muslim).  The woman in period of menstruation should not make the saey eitherbetween As-Safa and Al-Marwa since this rite i...

The Ulemas are unanimous

 It is permissible for the woman at the ihrâm to wear the women's clothes she wishes provided they are without ornaments, that they do not resemble those of men that they are not narrow to the point of conforming to the shape of the body, that they are not transparent so as to reveal what they are supposed to conceal. Lastly, they should not be short so as to allow the feet and hands to appear. They must be long, non-transparent and ample.  The Ulemas are unanimous as to the permission granted to the woman in ihrâm state to put on a tunic, a loose dress, trousers, khimâr or sandals. She is not obliged to wear clothes of a specific color such as green. She can wear the clothes she wants regardless of their colors: red, green, black, etc. In addition, she has the right to change clothes if she wants.  It is recommended to the woman to pronounce the talbiya after the ihramin a voice ...

The woman finds that she has her menses

 If, while she is on her way to Hajj, the woman finds that she has her menses or her lochia, she must go on and finish her Hajj. For umrah packages  Cheap Umrah Package UK . In order to enter ihram, the woman must proceed like a man: she must wash, shave the hair of the body according to need and cut off the nails. There is no objection to it perfume the body with a substance whose smell is not penetrating. Umm Salamah, May Allah be pleased with her: "When we went out with the (S.A.W) Messenger of Allaah, we wiped our foreheads with musk in the ihram. Now, when one of us was sweating, the Prophet (S.A.W) saw the trace of the musk that flowed with the sweat on his face. However, he did not forbid it "(Abu Dawood). In formulating the intent to enter ihrâm , the woman must remove herburqa and niqâb if she wears them thus in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace be upon him (S.A.W)):...

According to Ibn `Umar

According to Ibn `Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:   The woman must not travel three days' walk unlessaccompanied by a mahram  (Bukhari and Muslim). Many hadiths deal with the prohibition of women traveling to perform Hajj, or for any other reason, without mahram. Because women are weak and may be confronted during the journey with difficulties or unforeseen events that only men can overcome. There is also the fact that woman is an object of covetousness on the part of evil people.Hence the importance that it is in the company of a mahram able to protect it.  The mahram that accompanies the woman during her pilgrimage must be a Muslim, sane and pubescent. If it is impossible for her to find amahram , she can mandate a person of her choice to accomplish the Hajj in her place. In the case of a Hajj, the woman must take her hus...

Some sentences relating to women during Hajj and Umrah

The hajj at the sacred house every year is a kifâya make-up (obligation for which at least part of the community must fulfill) for the Islamic community. For umrah packages  Umrah Tour packages . The Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam. It also represents the share of Muslim women in jihad. In this respect, the hadeeth of Aisha is based on the fact that Allah is pleased with her, who has asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him (S.A.W)): -         "O, Messenger of Allah! Is there a jihad for women? " -         "They have a jihad without fighting: Hajj and Umrah ` "  he replied.(Ahmad and Ibn Mâjah). Men and women must fulfill general conditions for the Hajj to be an obligation to them: to be Muslim, sane, free, pubescent, and possessing the financial means to accomplish it.  1.  ...